12 octobre 2016

The Rising

Pause musicale. Bruce Springteen a composé une chanson qui s'appelle "The rising". On pourrait traduire ce titre par "la rébellion, le soulèvement". En fait, il a crée ce morceau pour des raisons patriotiques, mais j'en parle ici dans le sens de "rebéllion" contre notre "faux-self", ce masque qui nous impose de paraître différents que ce que nous sommes réellement. La chanson est interprétée par Sting. 

Can't see nothin' in front of me
Can't see nothin' coming up behind
Make my way through this darkness
I can't feel nothing but this chain that binds me
Lost track of how far I've gone
How far I've gone, how high I've climbed
On my back's a sixty pound stone
On my shoulder a half mile of line
Come on up for the rising
Come on up, lay your hands in mine
Come on up for the rising
Come on up for the rising tonight
Left the house this morning
Bells ringing filled the air
I was wearin' the cross of my calling
On wheels of fire I come rollin' down here
Come on up for the rising
Come on up, lay your hands in mine
Come on up for the rising
Come on up for the rising tonight